Business Physics is a leader in delivering practical, valuable solutions to enable your enterprise to be more profitable, efficient and effective.


Business Process Improvement (BPI)

Business Physics is experienced at performing Business Process Improvement (BPI) during its implementations. By applying the established Business Physics Consulting methods, our consultants have successfully assisted clients and brought about significant value-added improvements for various organizations. We leverage years of business experience and assist clients to become more efficient, reduce costs, and reduce supply chain lead times. Microsoft Great Plains is a tool that supports business processes and if the processes are not addressed, the tool will not be as effective.

Acquisition Assessment and Integration

In today's rapidly changing economic climate, a substantial portion of a company's growth may be derived from mergers and acquisitions. It is critical that a comprehensive assessment be made of any potential acquisition candidates, and that acquisitions be quickly and effectively integrated into the operations and systems of the parent company.

Business Physics has a methodology specifically designed to allow companies to quickly perform assessment and integration activities. This methodology covers such areas as business rules for decision-making, business applications, infrastructure and financial considerations.

Business and Technology Strategy

A successful plan must begin with a clear vision of the desired goal. Business Physics works with our clients to help them define their desired objective and take the successful course of action with minimal disruption to their business. Our focus is on strategy development and successful execution. We understand how to effectively align resources and initiatives to achieve competitive goals and successfully manage business projects.

Department Turnaround

Business Physics has the resources the assist with the reengineering of any of your departments. We can assist to develop new streamlined processes, develop internal staff or assist in the recruiting of internal staff. Business Physics will help manage the department until we can find a new resource or develop internal staff to manage the department. Business Physics can help you analyze your current business situation and develop new processes to support new or existing business requirements.

Resource Assistance

Business Physics has access to some of the best talent in the industry. We can provide technical and functional resources to assist you with any project related to Microsoft Great Plains or web development. We also specialize in full time IT recruiting. We can assist you in locating full time resources.

Address: #158 7000 Independence Pkwy Suite 160. Plano, TX 75080 l Phone: 972 . 850 . 0612

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