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Dec 22, 2004

Rep. Mark Kirk Earns 71%
Rating on LCV’s 2004 National Environmental Scorecard

WASHINGTON - Congressman Mark Kirk (R-IL) earned a 71 percent rating for his environmental voting record in the 108th Congress as listed in the 2004 National Environmental Scorecard. Published by the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) since 1970, the Scorecard evaluates the performance of every member of Congress on the most important environmental votes of the session. The national average score for 2004 was 47 percent in the House and 46 percent in the Senate.

“Representative Kirk can be proud of his strong 71% score,” said LCV Vice President for Policy Betsy Loyless. “Rep. Kirk has continued to advocate for strong environmental protections in the Great Lakes region, working to deny permits to industry looking to dump any source of mercury into the lakes.”

“Next year in the 109th Congress, LCV looks forward to continuing its strong working relationship with Rep. Kirk in protecting our natural resources and advocating clean, sound energy policy,” continued Ms. Loyless.

To view the entire 2004 National Environmental Scorecard, visit